
Public Awareness Kit
See several ways electricity can be made for free.
Learn why we claim perpetual motion is entirely possible, even without violating any of the laws of physics!
Kit Includes:
A brief look at the track record of Experts
The Case for FREE Electricity Video:
See the amazing Hummingbird Motor measured producing 5 times more power in terms of torque than is being applied electrically – a proof that when it’s connected to the near 100% efficient Sundance generator, this pair should easily produce power for free with no fuel and with zero pollution!
- See how you can stop buying laundry detergent forever.
- See several ways demonstrated to make free electricity, such as with the neutrino technology.
On the Technology Tour Video you’ll discover technologies available now thatcan improve your life, and discover several technologies which can’t be released now due to technology suppression, that will really turn your crank, such as the Tornado Engine which runs on water.
Also included for free are several eye-opening DVD copies that will edify and expand your horizons. These include Invisible Empire, Esoteric Agenda, and several others that provide fantastic insight about just how deep goes the the rabbit hole.
In addition to the incredible information about technology suppression and the case made for free electricity, here’s just some of the amazing technologies you’ll discover, some of which are available now:
Future Technologies:
Free Electricity from world’s most efficient motor and revolutionary generator
Other free electricity devices (Neutrinos, EMF, etc)
World’s most efficient Heat Engine (Fischer Cycle)
Tesla Turbine to make electricity, Tesla Generator
Magneto Hydro Dynamics at room temperature.
Nega-watt circuit proves electricity is used but not consumed.
Run a car engine on water, CO2, oxygen, compressed air, or heat with Thermal Storage
Medical laser camera to see right through the human body. See skeleton and organs without any harmful radiation.
Puncture Proof Pneumatic Tires that never go flat
Heat Paint your driveway & never shovel snow again
World’s most efficient Thermal Storage Device
Pump water for farmers, absolutely free
Plastic Houses (last 2000 years – no termites)
Make Building Blocks from garbage
Burn garbage without smoke or noxious oxides.
These are available NOW:
Power Controllers– save 1/3 to 1/2 the electricity to power motors.
Magnetic Laundry System Stop buying Laundry Soap FOREVER
Therm-A-Guard flame retardant paint that can significantly reduce heating and cooling bills.
Fire Sentry puts out a stove fire even if you’re away and forget to turn off your stove.
-Grow makes plants trees crops, and everything that grows – grow dramatically better.
Insect-a-Shield kills insects without poison, environmentally safe and completely non-toxic.
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