
Soni-Grow is available in a home and garden kit for your back-yard garden and in gallon or drum quantities for commercial use.
Soni-Grow’s patented technology of specially balanced sound and foliar feeding will enhance the growth of crops, producing measurably increased yields of high-quality, nutritious, healthy fruit, vegetables, nuts and herbs, as well as outstanding flowers and tree growth.
Fruits and vegetables will grow bigger, mature earlier and last longer. An additional benefit of using Soni-Grow is that it produces healthier plants, and may thus decrease the need for harsh, chemical rescue, because a healthy plant will be more resistant to insects and diseases.
Soni-Grow’s effect on plants can be tested almost immediately. Just use a Refractometer, an instrument that measures the Brix [sugar content of plant sap] before spraying and about an hour after spraying, or use a control group that does not get treated with Soni-Grow.
- Row crops such as lettuce, spinach, soy beans, broccoli, corn, onions, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, etc.
Bush crops and berries such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and bush beans, etc.
- Tree fruit including apple trees, cherry trees and peach trees
- Ornamentals including flowers and taxus baccata (ornamental yew)
- Small grain crops including rice, wheat , oats, speltz, and barley
Stimulates plant growth both foliarly and by root uptake.
Increases absorption of carbon dioxide and moisture
Better uniformity of fruit and vegetable size
Dramatically increases flowering and fruiting productivity leading to increased yields
- Higher brix and nutrient levels
- Superior taste
- Longer shelf and storage life
- Increased resistance to pests and disease by strengthening the plant’s immune system
- Earlier maturity of produce, permitting farmers to beat their competition to market
- Inexpensive to use, producing much more in yield than the cost of the product.

Soni-Grow Nutrients should not be left in direct sunlight, or allowed to freeze.
Sealed units are built to last a lifetime when properly cared for, as there are no moving parts. The unit includes a built in solar panel/battery charger and timer. A car battery and three (3) 5 ft. by 4 inch PVC pipes [code 40] need to be obtained locally. These pipes become the organ pipes to amplify the sound. The battery runs the sound unit and the solar panel keeps the battery charged. Never play the sound for more than a few seconds without the 5 foot pipes inserted into the collars or the speakers will be damaged. Stands are sold separately.
A separate stand should be used with the Sound Machine. The stand should support the sound box such that the bottom of the pipes are at least 12 inches off the ground. It can be more than 12 inches, but never less. The sound that the unit emits will travel down the PVC pipes and will then roll out along the ground. This is the best way for the sound to travel. You can build your own support unit as long as it keeps the bottom ends of the PVC Sound Tubes that you attach to the sound box, at least 12 inches off the ground or purchase the specially designed aluminum stands from BWT.
Be sure to attach the sound box to the frame to prevent dislodging or theft. You will also need to put spacers between the 5 ft. tubes in the middle and/or near the ends to prevent dislodging the collars from the bottom of the sound box. Set screws may also be used to secure the pipes into the collars. Gluing is not recommended as it makes the entire unit cumbersome to deal with thereafter. Finally, we suggest some flexible screening be placed over the bottom end of the pipes to prevent insect or bird entrance.
The unit should never be played if it is not attached to the 5 ft. PVC pipes. However, you may want to test the unit before you go to the trouble of mounting it in the field. The unit should produce an audible sound. However, Do not play the sound for more than 5 seconds without the pipes or damage will occur. If a unit does not produce an audible sound when attached to a 12 volt car battery and selected for manual mode when first received, then it should be returned post paid for an exchange. Be sure and note the small indicator bar that appears in the face of the timer as you select the various modes.
Important to remember: The sound produced by the Sound Machine, although a low frequency, is audible. If when standing next to a plant you cannot hear the unit from a given distance with normal hearing & no distracting noise, that means it is probably not working on that plant. There may be some residual benefit to the plant, but it will not produce the desired results.
An alternative for smaller acreage: The Veges? Sound Machine is intended for commercial acreage of 50-100 acres. It can certainly be used on smaller acreage, but might not be as cost effective for small areas as the use of a tape recorder or boom box. For Greenhouses, the sound from a tape is sufficient. If you have acreage that you feel is too small for the Veges? Machine, but too big for convenient use of a tape recorder or boom box, here is a suggestion:
1. Dilution Rate and Application Coverage:
Soni-Grow Nutrients come in a concentrate and must be diluted before use. One pint of product is intended to cover one acre. The ideal dilution rate is 25 parts of water to 1 part of concentrate. However, it is important to remember that the dilution rate is directly related to the spray rate of the equipment you are using to apply the product. For instance, the dilution rate will be different for a field sprayer and an aerial sprayer, but only because the spray rate of each is different. Again, the ideal dilution rate is 25 to 1.
2. Mixing The Nutrient
Be sure to follow these simple instructions carefully and in the following sequence.
- Make sure the spray tank is clean. Fill partially, add small amount of dish soap and household ammonia. Shake or run circulating pumps and spray out on a dirt surface to remove any pesticide residues.
- Fill the tank 2/3rds full with non-chlorinated water. (If chlorinated water is all that is available, fill tank and let stand open overnight, without a cover.)
- Shake the nutrient bottle vigorously for sufficient time to mix contents that may have settled to the bottom.
- Pour the measured amount of Soni-Grow Nutrient into the tank remembering to take into account the spray rate of the equipment you are using. REMEMBER: 1 Pint Covers 1 Acre
- Continue filling the tank to desired volume.Circulate tank to mix.
- Once mixed, do not leave Soni-Grow Nutrients standing for more than a couple of hours. Do not leave standing in a hot sun. Do not let freeze.
- Avoid using galvanized or rusty tanks.
- DO NOT mix any other chemicals or fertilizers with Soni-Grow!
3. Best Spraying Times
- The best time to spray is early in the morning and/or early evening. It is also advantageous to spray while the dew is still present on the leaves. (Remember, the sound system increases moisture absorption).
- Do not spray when temperature drops below 55 degrees or is above 90 degrees.
- If it is too cold in the morning, then spray after 4:30 in the afternoon. If it is very hot all day, spray in the late evening or just before sunrise. Overcast, foggy or humid conditions can extend the spraying window beyond 10:00AM.
- Never spray in the middle of the day in sunny or windy conditions.
- Never combine other chemicals with Soni-Grow and never spray other chemicals when the Sound Unit is running.
- Make sure the Sound Unit is advantageously placed so that you can audibly hear the sound while standing next to the target plants. Remember, if the plants are not in hearing range of the sound, it won’t be working on those plants.
- It is best to run the Sound Unit daily, for 2-3 hours in the early morning and again for 2-3 hours in the early evening. Playing the Sound every day, even without spraying Soni-Grow, is beneficial to the plants. This will help plants absorb dew, carbon dioxide and nutrients from the air and soil.
- You will only spray every 12-14 days [every 30 days for flowers and other sensitive plants, but the sound should be played every day, if possible.
- Before spraying, run the Sound Unit at least 30 minutes.
- When spraying Soni-Grow, leave the Sound Unit running.
- After spraying leave the Sound Unit on for at least another 30 minutes
- Because playing the sound increases the absorption of moisture, it is extremely beneficial to use the Sound Unit in drought conditions. In drought or very hot conditions, play the Sound Unit at night so as to take full advantage of the dew.
- Do not run units for more than 6 hours in any 24-hour period, and not in hot temperatures above 90 Ãâ€Ã…¡Ãƒâ€Å¡Ãƒâ€šÃ‚°F (32Ãâ€Ã…¡Ãƒâ€Å¡Ãƒâ€šÃ‚°C)

5. Soni-Grow Spray Program For Field Crops and General Use
- For most healthy plants, spraying every 12 to 14 days is more than sufficient. Generally speaking, you do not want to spray more often than that, because you can over-stimulate a plant. (Remember, playing the sound, even when you haven’t sprayed is beneficial.)
- Spray both sides of the leaves (where possible) until fully coated.
- For Sick Plants or severe plant condition, spray 2 days in a row, and then every 7 days until condition improves. When condition improves go back to once every 12-14 days.
For Beans

First Spray: | 5th or 6th Leaf Stage |
Second Spray: | 1st Bud Stage |
Third Spray: | 1/3 -1/2 pod fill (this is the largest energy draw down in the growth period) |
Spray every 2-3 weeks thereafter as possible
Specific Spray Program For Fruit And Nut Trees
To Get More Fruit and Nuts 7 SPRAY PROGRAM |
First Spray: | Pre-bloom |
Second Spray: | Petal tight (tight cluster) |
Third Spray: | Full Bloom |
Fourth Spray: | Between 35-45% petal fall |
Fifth Spray: | 2 weeks after the abortion stage (fruit drop) |
Sixth Spray: | 3 weeks later |
Seventh Spray: | 3 weeks later |
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First Spray: | Pre-bloom |
Second Spray: | Full bloom |
Third Spray: | 2 weeks after fruit drop stage |
Fourth Spray: | 3 weeks later |
Fifth Spray: | 3 weeks later |
Sixth Spray: | 3 weeks later |
Seventh Spray: | 3 weeks later |
mixing, spraying and sound application instructions as above.

- To promote early growth and root establishment, Soni-Grow can be sprayed every 10 days, or three times per month at a dilution rate of 50:1.
- Always make sure that there is adequate spray coverage of all leaf surfaces, top and bottom. If conditions are really dry, higher water rates are advised.
5 SPRAY PROGRAM (minimum)
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First Spray: | When shoots are 3 to 5 long |
Second Spray: | Pre bloom at tight petal stage |
Third Spray: | At full bloom |
Fourth Spray: | At approx. 40% petal fall |
Fifth Spray: | Approx. 3 weeks later |
There are tremendous benefits to be derived from using SONI-GROW during this crucial germination period. They include:
- Faster germination – There is a strong possibility of highly accelerated germination times with many different types of seeds. This can lead to earlier maturity and crop turnaround times.
- Higher Strike Rates of Seeds and Cuttings- This is especially true with difficult to strike seeds and cuttings.
- Hardier Seedlings and Cuttings- Hardier seedlings and cuttings can withstand difficult conditions and disease better.
- When you treat seeds and cuttings with Soni-Grow, they produce plants that are more receptive to the Soni-Grow System much sooner.
- Soak seeds in a solution of 1 part Soni-Grow nutrient to 50 parts water.
- Seeds should be left to soak for 6 hours with Sound Unit running continuously.
- Seeds should then be immediately planted. The solution the seeds have soaked in can then be used to water the seeds when planting.
Seed Treatment Alternatives
- If seed is required to be dry before planting with machine, seeds can be laid out on black plastic sheeting
and placed in the sun until dry.
- If seeds are very small, e.g., flower seeds, they can be planted into cell trays, watered with 1:50 mix solution of Soni-Grow Nutrient and the sound played daily.
- With large seed in broad acre situations: mix a 25:1 solution of Soni-Grow, pour or squirt a small amount of it into a half full sack of seeds. Then seed can be tipped/poured into empty sack. Repeat process and refill bags to original contents. In this way, seeds will be lightly damped with Soni-grow which should absorb into the seed by the time the treating is completed. Another method is to inject solution into top of bag with a hypodermic needle and then invert bag to let it trickle down across seed. Operate the Sound Unit for 6 hours close to seeds prior to use.
When mixing Soni-Grow nutrient with water for propagation, first pour the water into an empty container, then add the nutrient mix thoroughly.
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