My Carnivore Discovery
Phil Escot Clear Arterial Scans

Summary: For about 5 years I experienced “peripheral neuropathy,” arthritis, and atherosclerosis. As these progressed I started waking in the middle of the night to shake my arms so blood and oxygen would flow to my arms, hands and fingers.

These problems miraculously improved when I switched to the Carnivore Lifestyle.

Video is cued to the point where Phil Escott explains how his arterial scans done in his 50’s, when he was a Vegan, showed developing atherosclerosis from plaque, which is the result of oxalates, bound to calcium, clogging arteries.  Later in his 60’s while Phil was eating the Carnivore – Lion Diet, his scans show his arteries are clear!

In my late 20’s I realized that processed foods and chemicals were unhealthy so for most of my adult life I ate some meat and all whole foods including (unfortunately) plants.

In my late 50’s I was misguided by “Hallelujah Acres” eating vegan and ate that way for about a year during which I developed a progressive problem in which I would wake in the middle of the night with pain in my arms and numbness in my hands making it necessary to shake my arms to restore blood flow. In addition, at age 65 the middle finger on my left hand hooked sharply in the morning and was painful to straighten.

Luckily then, on July 11th 2023 I saw this video: Phil Escot on the Charlie Ward show.  Phil Escot is a drummer and a former vegan who had even written veganism books; but then switched to Carnivore when arthritis crippled his ability to perform with the drums.  He began eating the “Lion Diet” consisting of only fatty ruminant meat including beef, lamb, bison, venison, salt and water which turned his life around and he was able to drum again.

I was convinced, so I switched to an all-animal based diet including: Eggs, Fish, Chicken, BBB&E (Beef, Butter, Bacon and Eggs) – as carnivores call it, and noticed immediate improvement.  Within a few days my hooked finger in the morning was gone, and I began to sleep through the night without waking to shake my arms for restored blood flow.  I was inflammation-pain free!

Aware that I had found the “Proper Human Diet,” in November of 2023 I progressed to the more strict “Lion Diet” espoused by Phil Escot, Dr. Anthony Chaffee, and Mikala Peterson.  

I believe my year of vegan eating exacerbated problems because my “gut” wall became more more permeable, causing unusual quantities of oxalates and other plant toxins to enter my bloodstream, these oxalates were then sequestered in bones, ligaments, and muscles and arteries to keep them from doing immediate harm. Ultimately these toxins cause tissue inflammation (because the body is always working to rid itself of poisons). I reached the point where the inflammation called arthritis developed, and the first clear sign of that was my morning hooked finger.

Update: I’m now almost 2 years a lion diet carnivore and my vitality continues to improve.  I didn’t mention this yet but prior to eating carnivore I was having terrible bouts of vertigo, but that completely ended the since I started eating carnivore.

So – I’m extremely glad I had the arthritis, since that it woke me to seek the Carnivore way of eating.  Some of the healthiest, smartest and youngest-looking people I’ve seen are those who have lived most, or all, of their lives eating only meat.

It’s apparent to me that the Carnivore lifestyle appropriate and perfect for improving health and longevity, and it’s the Ancestrally correct diet for humans.

Follow below Anthony Chafee’s videos about the carnivore by watching these videos below:

Carnivore For Beginners: How To Start A Carnivore Diet with Tips, Tricks, and Common Pitfalls
Anthony Chaffee MD

Fiber, Constipation, and Diet | Dr Anthony Chaffee
Anthony Chaffee MD

Why We Are Carnivores Slide Presentation, with Dr Anthony Chaffee
Anthony Chaffee MD

Eating Dairy On Carnivore, and What to Watch Out For!
Anthony Chaffee MD

Bioavailability of Food; You Are NOT Getting the Protein You Think You Are From Plants!
Anthony Chaffee MD

Fruit and Honey are NOT Carnivore!
Anthony Chaffee MD

Plants Are Trying to Kill You!
Anthony Chaffee MD

Hard Facts about the Carnivore and Vegan diets, with Dr Anthony Chaffee, MD
Anthony Chaffee MD

What Sugar REALLY Does To You!
Anthony Chaffee MD

What I Eat on a Carnivore Diet
Anthony Chaffee MD

Quick and Easy Carnivore Meal Prep and Dry Brine aging
Anthony Chaffee MD

Quick and Easy Way to Make Steakhouse Quality Steaks at Home!
Anthony Chaffee MD

The Truth about Cholesterol and Heart Disease – Dr Anthony Chaffee MD
Anthony Chaffee MD

Reversing Diabetes with Diet Alone!
Anthony Chaffee MD

Autoimmune Disease and Diet: what they DON’T want you to know!
Anthony Chaffee MD

Top Cancer Expert: This Is The WORST Food To Feed Cancer!
Anthony Chaffee MD

10+ Year STRICT Carnivore (What Dr. Chaffee Eats in a Day & How to Build Muscle on a Carnivore Diet)
Lillie Kane

How To Start the Carnivore Diet, with Dr Anthony Chaffee, MD
Anthony Chaffee MD

Do You Get Tired on a Carnivore Diet? Try These Tips!
Anthony Chaffee MD

The Hard Science of Your Metabolism on Keto, Carnivore, and Carbs With Professor Ben Bikman of BYU
Anthony Chaffee MD

Special Guest Interview with Dr Shawn Baker, MD!
Anthony Chaffee MD

Hard Facts on How Diet and Nutrition Affect Your Health | Dr Ken Berry
Anthony Chaffee MD

The Hard Science Behind the Carnivore Diet, with Professor Bart Kay
Anthony Chaffee MD

Episode 27: Gut health and IBS/IBD with Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist Dr Pran Yoganathan
Anthony Chaffee MD

What Humans ACTUALLY Evolved to Eat! | Dr Miki Ben-Dor, Ep 76
Anthony Chaffee MD

Dr. Zoë Harcombe – ‘What about fiber?’
Low Carb Down Under

Dr. Anthony Chaffee – ‘Plants are trying to kill you!’
Low Carb Down Under

EPIC Talk About All Things Health and Carnivore with Dr Paul Mason, MD!
Anthony Chaffee MD

Cambridge Ideas – Don’t Eat the Plants
Cambridge University

Can You Reverse Schizophrenia? Harvard Professor Says You Can!
Anthony Chaffee MD

Evidence for Meat in Your Diet with Michael Eades, MD
Ken D Berry MD

EPIC Carnivore Fridge Restock!
Anthony Chaffee MD

Cholesterol does NOT cause heart disease. #short #carnivore #cholesterol #sugar
Anthony Chaffee MD

Early Childhood Development and Nutrition, with Dr Anthony Chaffee, MD
Anthony Chaffee MD

Getting leg cramps? They may not just be from electrolytes… #fyp #motivation #carnivore
Anthony Chaffee MD

The Hard Facts on Animal Nutrition and Agriculture | Peter Ballerstedt, PhD
Anthony Chaffee MD

Carnivore Diet FAQs with Dr Chaffee | Frequently Asked Questions
Anthony Chaffee MD

From Wheelchair to Walking: How Dr. Sarah Conquered MS with Her “Shocking” Diet!
Anthony Chaffee MD

Belinda Fettke – ‘Nutrition Science: How did we get here?’
Low Carb Down Under

Debunking Carnivore Diet Myths! Live Challenge Q’s from the Audience!
Anthony Chaffee MD

Rancher and Carnivore for OVER 65 Years! (You Won’t Believe Her Age!)
Anthony Chaffee MD

Barry Groves: Homo Carnivorus What We Are Designed to Eat
The Infirit

Is Ketosis Harmful? Here’s The Evidence | PFMD 149
Anthony Chaffee MD

Omega-6 Apocalypse: Vegetable Oils, Obesity, and Chronic Disease
Anthony Chaffee MD

You’ve been lied to: VEGETABLES WON’T SAVE YOU
Shawn Baker MD

Dr Gary Fettke – Exposing Big Food: A Surgeon’s Bold Revelations
Anthony Chaffee MD

Visceral Fat is Blocking Your Optimal Health, with Dr Sean O’Mara!
Anthony Chaffee MD

Transform Your Health! Uncover The Truth About Visceral Fat | Ep 132
Anthony Chaffee MD

The Corruption of Our Nutritional and Medical Guidelines |Dr Chaffee
Anthony Chaffee MD

No. 1 Dementia Treatment | Hal Cranmer
Anthony Chaffee MD

Should You Measure KETONES On A Carnivore Diet? | Anthony Chaffee, MD
Anthony Chaffee MD

How Long Does It Take To Get Fat Adapted On A Carnivore Diet?
Anthony Chaffee MD

Benefits Of OMAD & Fasting On A Carnivore Diet? | Anthony Chaffee, MD
Anthony Chaffee MD

How Much Salt Do You Need On A Carnivore Diet? | Anthony Chaffee, MD
Anthony Chaffee MD

CarnivoryCon 2019: George M. Diggs, PhD — “Plant Defense Chemicals: The Dark Side of Food Plants“
L. Amber O’Hearn