Your Matrix IQ

Take the blue pill, the story ends and you wake up believing whatever you want to believe. Take the RED PILL, and we’ll show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes – but remember, all we’re offering is the truth.

If you’re awake, you know that 911 was an inside job. The video above pokes fun at the ludicrous official version of events. The real story has been scrubbed from the web.

The following are the two most egregious lies we are told:

1. You can get sick because other people around you are ill and you can “catch” their illness or condition.

2.  Processed food is healthy for you.  That we should eat sugar instead of fat.  We should eat vegetables, fruits grains nuts and seeds.



  • Vaccinations and flu shots contain mercury which destroys brain and nerve cells causing a variety of neurological and physiological problems.  The mercury in vaccines is known to be the direct cause for Autism, which was an unknown malady before vaccinations existed. Now 1 in 150 children are autistic. Vaccinations also contain squalene, formaldehyde and other poisons.
  • Medical Doctors take a “Hippocratic oath” to “do no harm”, but it’s a cruel joke. Pharmaceuticals that doctors typically prescribe are liver toxic and allopathic (working against the body) causing deleterious “side effects”.
  • MSG (mono-sodium glutamate) is a neuro-toxin which hides behind a long list of other names. Generally if you have difficulty pronouncing anything on the label – avoid it. Click for more.
  • Chemicals in your food are deleterious, especially aspartame and artificial sweeteners
  • If you have silver fillings in your teeth have them carefully removed using mercury protection protocol and replaced with safer materials. Click here to watch – especially if you have any “silver fillings”.
  • Root canals are even worse than silver fillings and should be replaced with a non-toxic, preferably nonmetallic bridge or other solution. Click Here. Also watch this video on my Youtube channel: Hal Huggins.  Avoid going to Dentists entirely, and eat carnivore to nutrify yourself so there are no problems with your teeth.  Everything dentists do causes damage to your natural teeth.  Cavities are a huge lie and used as an excuse to drill, fill, and bill.  Teeth will self repair if you let them.  Be willing (on a proper human carnivore diet) to let your body do what it does to self repair teeth and gums.  Teeth cleaning “Professionals” who are scraping away oxalate deposits on your teeth can also scrape the protective dentin your body is using to protect the teeth, leaving them exposed so they get damaged and then you are told you need drilling.  Just leave teeth alone, treat your body like the paragon of wisdom that it is and let your body take care of everything.  Note tooth plaque is caused by plant oscilliac acid binding to calcium (teeth) creating oxalate crystal “plaque” entirely caused by eating the wrong diet.  When you’re eating only animal products you avoid plant poisons the worst of which is oxalates.
  • Avoid the toxic sodium fluoride in toothpaste and your water supply.  It’s making you docile and your bones brittle. Fluoride and Sodium Laurel Sulfates are poisons found in dental and other hygiene products.  Naturally occurring Calcium Fluorine or Calcium Fluoride is good, but data on calcium fluoride gave an excuse to the ADA to lie to you about the “safety and benefit of Sodium Fluoride”, which is a toxic and hazardous chemical waste by-product that injures the brain, dulls mental acuity, and contributes to osteoporosis along with plant foods.
  • Become chem-trail aware. Click Here
  • Cell-phones should only be used sparingly or better yet with an acoustic transfer listening system similar to that used in airplanes.  Two or three cell phones aimed at popcorn will cause the popcorn to pop when the phones are called. Operating on either side of an egg the cellphones will cook the egg and the same thing is happening to your brain and eyes when it’s up next to your head. There are also button sized radiation neutralizing devices that can be applied to your cell phone to reduce the radiation risk.
  • Microwave ovens damage the structure of your food, so cook conventionally. Read More
  • Cancer is a growth industry.  Again, pharmaceuticals are liver toxic and deadly.  Treat yourself to health by changing what you eat to animal foods.
  • Avoid allopathic doctors like you would avoid radiation and horrible chemicals in your body since that’s what they’ll offer.
  • Contrary to conventional claims, the sun is good for you and your eyes. Quit using sunglasses. Read this excerpt from below:
    Speaking of sunglasses, please understand that if you are seeking to be healthy, avoiding the use of sunglasses should be high on your priority list. Sunglasses block important light wavelengths that are essential for your health and will, without question, over time worsen your eyesight. 
  • Avoid sun tan lotion and other toxic chemical based lotions unless you want what’s in them in your body, since whatever you apply is going to be absorbed. That’s why they warn you on the side of pesticides to avoid contact with bare skin. Commercial perfumes and deodorants are toxic and are also absorbed through your skin into your body and do poison you. Do you want Aluminum Chlorhydrate in your body?
  • End your consumption of High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) and know that it hides behind a myriad of other names. It makes you fat and at least half of the supply of HFCS is tainted with levels of mercury, a known cause of ongoing brain damage. Also avoid the “alternative” named Agave Nectar.  Avoid Aspartame which works great as an ant killer, but you don’t want it in your body. Start reading about this by clicking here.
  • Avoid drinking anything from plastic bottles. Most are made to outgas a dangerous designer estrogen hormone with nefarious intent. For more on this click here
  • A Social Security Number is a CUSIP number (bond) that is used fraudulently to buy and sell / traffic you.
  • Your mother wasn’t told she was converting you to a bonded servant, and unknowingly becoming a “informant” and she signed the birth certificate application in the hospital after you were born.  In court the state issued birth certificate bond and marriage license both work together to fraudulently allow courts, through the doctrine of “Parens Patre” to make you a ward of the state.  An insidious guardian-ward relationship is created where the state fraudulently decides the fate of your son or daughter.  Have your baby at home possibly with a mid-wife to assist with delivery, and make your own birth record recorded and get it recorded.  Don’t get a “birth certificate” and SSN (Slave Surveillance Number) for your child.  Keep your children free, and by so doing keep your child!   The state has a ostensible basis (via the fraud) that they can take children from you and unless you correct these errors, the children are registered to them through the birth certificate and the SSN is involved.  Discover how to change your status from “Citizen, Person or Resident” all dead entities, to that of American National.  Follow David Lester Straight on his Telegram Channel here. or Here in the Chat Room
  • Avoid sending your children to the government’s “public schools”. They are more at risk of being vaccinated against your will or worse yet a training drill where your kids are taken to a FEMA camp, or for any lame excuse the government drums up. It’s better to home school, possibly with the help of  Time 4 Learning.  Alternately a Montessori or private school is a superior alternative. Keep in mind that what is taught in all schools (even private) is a mix of revisionist history and and revisionist science designed to keep you and everyone in the  dark.
  • You have an unfettered natural right to travel, unless you accept the status of person (corporation) and then identify as the corporate name on a “driver’s license” making you subject to the dictates of the corporate agents (police officers) / policy enforcers & the “statutes” they enforce.
  • Don’t support mainstream Illuminati-controlled charities such as the eugenics promoting “Planned Parenthood”, the “Sierra Club”, “Red Cross”, or United Way. Many large corporations, charities and many large organizations are controlled and managed by establishment boards usually with a Mason at the top, whose primary obligation is to the” New World Order” cabal.
  • Stop Paying Income Tax which isn’t a “tax” at all.
  • The “Federal Reserve” was created by the banksters so they can print money for themselves without substance or backing and we would pay the bill for our own captivity. Gold or precious metals are a good hedge against the loss of the “fiat currency’s” buying power.
  • Over time the populous has allowed government to possess our property including homes and automobiles.  Unless you retain the “MSO” (Manufacturer’s Statement of Origin” for your car or obtain an “Allodial Title” which becomes a “Grant Deed” to your property, then these are owned by the state. Your “Warranty Deed” to your home means that you’re allowed to use the state’s property, and this is why you’ve been paying a yearly rent in the form of property tax to stay on property you thought you owned.  Also for the car you thought was yours, the original MSO (Manufacturer’s Statement of Origin) was sent to the state by the auto dealer and then destroyed. From the dealer you received only a “Certificate of Title” which is evidence that you can use the state’s car.

Stalin said: “those who vote decide nothing…  those who count the votes decide everything”.  It’s on record that voting machines have been rigged and the election process serves as a selection process for the elite to establish their puppet rulers.

Can You Find the Hidden Owl?
This is an exploded view of the upper right corner on the face side of any $1 bill.  View one with a magnifying glass to find the owl.

This small owl first appeared on the bill in 1933 when the promise to pay in silver was removed from what became “fiat” currency – (poker chips).

The owl is the symbol of the Babylonian owl god “Moloch”.  The dictum behind the owl, according to Dr. Rev. Peter Keegan, is that you’re “Born in the Dark”, and you’ll “Die in the Dark”.  Supposedly the Illuminati “See in the Dark” like owls. The Illuminati goal is to control all natural, financial, and human resources on the planet.  It’s hidden in plain view by they who seek to enslave you and all the peoples of the earth.

Government federal reserve “notes” have no promise. Edward Griffin – in his book – “The Creature from Jekyll Island”, explains how the Illuminati has enslaved you and offers some suggestions that can start you on the road to disentangling yourself.  More useful information comes from others like  “William Foust – Executor Advocate Revocate” for starters.

It seems we most often trust others to tell us what is good for us, rather than use logic and wisdom, about what we consume. We’ve been lied to about the harm to our bodies caused by plants and lied to about fats when we are told that they are harmful when in fact they are extremely beneficial – even necessary for health.  Begin your journey of discovery of a Carnivore Lifestyle. 

Kevin Trudeau in his book “Natural Cures they don’t want you to know about”, reveals how the drug companies, large commercial food suppliers, chain stores, FDA, and FTC, are all involved wittingly or otherwise, in a massive deception.

You’ve been misled and lied to especially in your doctor’s office, the hospital, and from those who have blind faith in the “FDA” to protect you from poisons in your food.  Instead these trusted institutions, agencies and entities have been causing lots of harm. Out-gassing plastics, pesticides, formaldehyde are used in Monsanto carpeting. Harm is caused by herbicide poisons, irradiation, and genetically modified foods.

Then there’s government insanity like paying dairy farmers not to milk cows, and then mandating pasteurization for commercial sale which kills the life from the milk.

Also isn’t cow milk intended for baby calves?  Doesn’t it make far more sense to give human babies mother’s milk?  Did you know that when we are not fed from our mother’s breast we miss a vital protein, resulting in sacrifice of 20% of the babies intellect.

Critical thinking can improve your life.  Consider these suggestions as the tip of the iceberg where conventional thinking is not the same as “wisdom”.

Best of Health to you.

The Creature from Jekyll IslandThe Truth about the WTC
What Really HappenedHarry Baldwin - Executor Position
Technology SuppressionInfo Wars
Prison PlanetNo More Fake News
RenseWilliam Foust Executor Advocate Revocate
Slave Surveillance Number FreeBlack Box Voting
Mad Scientists LiarDavid Icke
Dennis Lee His Critics and "SkepticsThe Truth as I See it
WhaleInformation Clearinghouse
Time 4 Learning (Home School)

Stop the Crime