Header Revolutionary Technologies


Want bigger healthier plants?

With the Soni-Grow sound and nutrient system, fruits and vegetables will grow bigger, mature earlier and last longer.


You'll produce healthier plants, decreasing the need for harsh, chemical rescue, because a healthy plant will be more resistant to insects and diseases.

The sound increases absorption of the nutrient spray through a foliar feeding system that enhances any type of plant or crop, with dramatic increases in growth, yield, as well as early maturity.

Growing FruitSoni-Grow nutrient is an organic blend of nutrients, enzymes, hormones, carbohydrates and stimulants.  Among the most important nutrients are nitrogen from organic sources, potash, phosphorous and calcium.

TomatoThe CD included in the Home and Garden Kit can be played by any home CD player.             The special, audible, low frequency sound (less than 4000 Hertz), will cause the pores in the leaves to open and so increase absorption of carbon dioxide and Soni-Grow's Nutrient many times over.

The sound increases plant absorption both foliarly and by root uptake, resulting in greater growth and production.

Frequency Tuned:
Soni-Grow Nutrients have been frequency tuned to match the sound produced by the CD in order to produce the greatest possible results.

There are other plant growth stimulants, but the Soni-Grow's performance is a result of its unique use of low frequency sound and frequency tuned nutrients.

Get a Soni-Grow home and garden kit for your back-yard garden, which includes a 16 ounce bottle of the nutrient solution. Later you can buy the nutrient solution by the gallon or in drum quantities for commercial use.

VegcollageAmazing Results:
Soni-Grow's patented sound and nutrient technology, specially balanced for foliar feeding will enhance the growth of crops, producing measurably increased yields of high-quality, nutritious, healthy fruit, vegetables, nuts and herbs, as well as outstanding flowers and tree growth.

Soni-Grow's effect on plants can be tested right away using a Refractometer to measure the Brix (sugar content of plant sap), before spraying, and again about ½ hour after spraying -- or use a control group that does not get treated with Soni-Grow as a basis for comparison. You'll be amazed at the results, and the results are even more amazing when applied to the seeds!

Use Soni-Grow with any type of plant

  • Row crops such as lettuce, spinach, soy beans, broccoli, corn, onions, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, etc.

  • Bush crops and berries such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and bush beans, etc.

  • Tree fruit including apple trees, cherry trees and peach trees

  • Ornamentals including flowers and taxus baccata (ornamental yew)

  • Small grain crops including rice, wheat , oats, speltz, and barley

Benefits of using the Soni-Grow System:

  • Stimulates plant growth both foliarly and by root uptake

  • Increases absorption of carbon dioxide and moisture

  • Better uniformity of fruit and vegetable size

  • Dramatically increases flowering and fruiting productivity leading to increased yields

  • Higher brix and nutrient levels
  • Superior taste

  • Longer shelf and storage life

  • Increased resistance to pests and disease by strengthening the plant's immune system

  • Earlier maturity of produce, permitting farmers to beat their competition to market

  • Inexpensive to use, producing much more in yield than the cost of the product.

VeggiesAbout the Soni-Grow Nutrients

Soni-Grow Nutrients are an organically based, specially balanced blend of nutrients, enzymes, naturally occurring hormones, carbohydrates and stimulants. It's the best possible "balanced food" for your crops.

Among the ingredients in the Veggies blend are: organic nitrogen from compost tea extract, kelp, natural plant sugar extracts, natural growth regulators and stimulators and amino acids.

Because the nutrients contain ingredients such as kelp, just about all trace minerals that are found in the sea will be found in Soni-Grow.  However, because they are only in "trace" quantities, they cannot be placed on the label. Plants benefit dramatically from only a small quantity of trace minerals. Our nutrient solution provides plants with the correct balance of these trace minerals.

PotrowsNo other foliar spray will perform as well. Frequency tuning increases the potency of the effect of the nutrients when sprayed in conjunction with playing the unique low frequency sound.  The sound played before, during and after spraying, increases the receptivity and absorption rate of the plant, and prepares it to receive Soni-Grow's high potency nutrition. 

Because the sound is frequency tuned, Soni-Grow nutrient mix can also be used as a soil fertilizer.  Soni-Grow may be used in liquid planters (on or near the seed), transplant solutions, or drip systems.  A quart per acre is the suggested rate.  Soni-Grow may be mixed with other fertilizers for use in the soil



Mixed Peppers

Connect a tape player or boom box to the front of a tractor, and one to the back. As the tractor travels through the fields, the sound will be emanating in both directions. Then park the tractor in the area and let it continue to play for another 20-30 minutes.  Normally, you want to play the sound at least 30 minutes before you spray and at least 30 minutes after you spray, but this technique is worth trying.   

Using the Soni-Grow System is Simple

1.  Dilution Rate and Application Coverage:

Soni-Grow Nutrients come in a concentrate and must be diluted before use.  One pint of product is intended to cover one acre. The ideal dilution rate is 25 parts of water to 1 part of concentrate.  However, it is important to remember that the dilution rate is directly related to the spray rate of the equipment you are using to apply the product.  ForStrawberry instance, the dilution rate will be different for a field sprayer and an aerial sprayer, but only because the spray rate of each is different.  Again, the ideal dilution rate is 25 to 1.

The same amount of product will be used per acre, whether you need to dilute the product 20 to 1 or 200 to 1.  It is always one pint per acre, using the least amount of water possible.

Don't be deceived by comparing dilution rates. It is the product coverage that is important.  When calculating the cost of using Soni-Grow or any other application, always use the product coverage.  When you do this, you can see how inexpensive using Soni-Grow is.  We calculate the cost to cover one acre is less than $20 per acre, per spray.  Not much when you consider the results.

 2.  Mixing The Nutrient

Be sure to follow these simple instructions carefully and in the following sequence. 
  1. Make sure the spray tank is clean.  Fill partially, add small amount of dish soap and household ammonia.  Shake or run circulating pumps and spray out on a dirt surface to remove any pesticide residues.
  2. Fill the tank 2/3rds full with non-chlorinated water.  (If chlorinated water is all that is available, fill tank and let stand open overnight, without a cover.)
  3. Shake the nutrient bottle vigorously for sufficient time to mix contents that may have settled to the bottom.
  4. Pour the measured amount of Soni-Grow Nutrient into the tank remembering to take into account the spray rate of the equipment you are using. REMEMBER:  1 Pint Covers 1 Acre

  5. Continue filling the tank to desired volume. Circulate tank to mix.

  6. Once mixed, do not leave Soni-Grow Nutrients standing for more than a couple of hours.  Do not leave standing in a hot sun.  Do not let freeze.
  7. Avoid using galvanized or rusty tanks.
  8. DO NOT mix any other chemicals or fertilizers with Soni-Grow!
3.    Best Spraying Times
  • The best time to spray is early in the morning and/or early evening.  It is also advantageous to spray while the dew is still present on the leaves.  (Remember, the sound system increases moisture absorption).
  • Do not spray when temperature drops below 55 degrees or is above 90 degrees.

  • If it is too cold in the morning, then spray after 4:30 in the afternoon.  If it is very hot all day, spray in the late evening or just before sunrise. Overcast, foggy or humid conditions can extend the spraying window beyond 10:00AM.

  • Never spray in the middle of the day in sunny or windy conditions.

  • Never combine other chemicals with Soni-Grow and never spray other chemicals when the Sound Unit is running.

 4.  Playing The Sound 

  • Make sure the Sound Unit is advantageously placed so that you can audibly hear the sound while standing next to the target plants.  Remember, if the plants are not in hearing range of the sound, it won't be working on those plants.

  • PeasIt is best to run the Sound Unit daily, for 2-3 hours in the early morning and again for 2-3 hours in the early evening.  Playing the Sound every day, even without spraying Soni-Grow, is beneficial to the plants. This will help plants absorb dew, carbon dioxide and nutrients from the air and soil.

  • You will only spray every 12-14 days [every 30 days for flowers and other sensitive plants, but the sound should be played every day, if possible. Not for use on cut flowers from an Avas Flowers bouquet or an Avas Flowers cut flower arrangement.

  • Before spraying, run the Sound Unit at least 30 minutes.

  • When spraying Soni-Grow, leave the Sound Unit running.

  • After spraying leave the Sound Unit on for at least another 30 minutes

  • Because playing the sound increases the absorption of moisture, it is extremely beneficial to use the Sound Unit in drought conditions.  In drought or very hot conditions, play the Sound Unit at night so as to take full advantage of the dew.

  • Do not run units for more than 6 hours in any 24-hour period, and not in hot temperatures above 90°F (32°C)

CornNOTE: Never use any other chemicals while playing sound units. If you are due to apply a fungicide and a Soni-Grow spray, first apply Soni-Grow, followed by the chemical spray.

5.  Soni-Grow Spray Program For Field Crops and General Use
  • For most healthy plants, spraying every 12 to 14 days is more than sufficient. Generally speaking, you do not want to spray more often than that, because you can over-stimulate a plant. (Remember, playing the sound, even when you haven't sprayed is beneficial.)
  •  Spray both sides of the leaves (where possible) until fully coated.

  • For Sick Plants or severe plant condition, spray 2 days in a row, and then every 7 days until condition improves.  When condition improves go back to once every 12-14 days.

Propagation with Soni-Grow


There are tremendous benefits to be derived from using SONI-GROW during this crucial germination period.  They include: 
  • Faster germination - There is a strong possibility of highly accelerated germination times with many different types of seeds.  This can lead to earlier maturity and crop turnaround times.

  • Higher Strike Rates of Seeds and Cuttings- This is especially true with difficult to strike seeds and cuttings.

  • Hardier Seedlings and Cuttings- Hardier seedlings and cuttings can withstand difficult conditions and disease better.

  • When you treat seeds and cuttings with Soni-Grow, they produce plants that are more receptive to the Soni-Grow System much sooner. 

The Treatment for Seeds

  • Soak seeds in a solution of 1 part Soni-Grow nutrient to 50 parts water.

  • Seeds should be left to soak for 6 hours with Sound Unit running continuously.

  • Seeds should then be immediately planted.  The solution the seeds have soaked in can then be used to water the seeds when planting.
Seed Treatment Alternatives 
  1. If seed is required to be dry before planting. Seeds can be laid out on black plastic sheeting Fruit in Market and placed in the sun until dry.
  2. If seeds are very small, e.g., flower seeds, they can be planted into cell trays, watered with 1:50 mix solution of Soni-Grow Nutrient and the sound played daily.

  3. With large seed in broad acre situations: mix a 25:1 solution of Soni-Grow, pour or squirt a small amount of it into a half full sack of seeds.  Then seed can be tipped/poured into empty sack.  Repeat process and refill bags to original contents.  In this way, seeds will be lightly damped with Soni-grow which should absorb into the seed by the time the treating is completed.  Another method is to inject solution into top of bag with a hypodermic needle and then invert bag to let it trickle down across seed.  Operate the Sound Unit for 6 hours close to seeds prior to use. 


When mixing Soni-Grow nutrient with water for propagation, first pour the water into an empty container, then add the nutrient mix thoroughly.

The Treatment for Cuttings

  1. If possible, the plant that you are taking cuttings from should be sprayed with Soni-Grow and sound played a day or so prior.  A Soni-Grow treated parent plant should produce superior cuttings.

  2. As with seeds, a 50:1 (one half label rate) solution of Soni-Grow Nutrient and water should be made up.

  3. Cuttings should be sprayed at least once a week-preferably twice a week-until they are established.

  4. Once established, the regular solution mix can be sprayed every 12-14 days.  The frequency of spraying can be altered to suit the propagator depending on what rate of growth or health maintenance program desired. 

Herbicide Reduction with Soni-Grow

One of the wonderful side benefits of using the Soni-Grow System is that there will naturally be a decrease in the need for harsh chemical rescue products because plants will be healthier.

On the other side of the equation, using the sound part of the system in conjunction with non-selective herbicides may also increase absorption, and the amount of herbicides needed to be used to kill weeds may be decreased. Weeds stimulated by the sound may increase their absorption capacity many times over.

So, play the sound unit prior to non-selective herbicide spraying of weeds.  Reduced herbicide rates may effectively equal or better the normal kill rate.  

Warning: Do not play sound when using selective herbicides over an economic crop as you will not only be increasing the absorption rate of the weeds, but the economic plant absorption as well.  Even though selective herbicides are represented not to harm economic crops, there may be a more intense reaction in the economic crop, so exercise caution.

Increased Frost Protection

  • If frosts are anticipated, a spray of Soni-Grow with the Sound Unit operating through the night can greatly aid frost resistance.  If unable to spray Soni-Grow in time, some benefit can still be derived by operating the Sound Unit at night.  The degree of frost protection offered by the sound and Nutrient program varies.  Avoid running the Sound Unit 24 hours a day by switching off the unit in the morning when units have been running at night.
  • One of the theories behind this frost protection is that the increased sugar levels and the rapid stimulated translocation of the Nutrient by the Sound Unit "exercises" the vine and induces production of plant sugars and alcohol.  Alcohol does not freeze.  Also, a healthy plant will trans locate water out of the cell interiors into the intercellular spaces.  Ice crystals in the intercellular spaces will not damage cell structure. 

NOTE: Be sure to turn off sound units whenever a fungicide or pesticide is applied

Some Simple Questions and Answers

VeggiesQ:  Will the sound affect my animals or annoy my neighbors?

A:  Animals usually like the sound and most people do not consider it offensive, even when standing near the sound. From a distance the sound just becomes a back-ground noise, but if too close, it could annoy neighbors.

Q:  Are fertilizers still necessary or is Soni-Grow a substitute?

A:  Soni-Grow is not a substitute for ground fertilizer.  It is a plant growth stimulator and enhancer with a small nutrient content.  We always recommend that the grower continue to fertilize as usual.  Good soil testing, replacement of missing nutrients and biological activation are also recommended.  After Soni-Grow treatment, you can expect more rapid growth, earlier maturity and yield increases on top of what you would normally expect.  You can experiment later with reduced fertilizer inputs, but initially, it's best to continue as you normally would. 

Q:  Is Soni-Grow a cure all?

A:  Soni-Grow can be used to help sick plants heal themselves, but it is not a cure all.  If you have a problem, we recommend soil and plant tissue analysis.  Soni-Grow will not overcome a major soil deficiency.  It may help the plant deal with the deficiency, but ultimately, the deficiency must be corrected.

ScallionsQ:   Can you give a plant too much of a good thing and overdo it?

A.  Yes, you can.  It is important to follow directions, because you can over stimulate a plant and do harm.  Soni-Grow is a very "high energy" product.  Plants grow from energy, not fertilizers although fertilizers supply energy and may be incorporated into the plant structure. The Spray Programs are designed to provide the right amount of energy, stimulation and nutrients for the plants and provide excellent results. You can "over spray".

On the other hand, playing the sound unit throughout the season at designated times is a recommended practice.  Just try not to stray dramatically from the prescribed programs.

Note: Soni-Grow Nutrients should not be left in direct sunlight, or allowed to freeze. 

Soni Grow Home and Garden Kits

  • I used the Soni-Grow last year on tomatoes that I grow in a greenhouse. I had great production from July to October in 2006. We had a heavy early freeze, in October, but my plants were still blooming and setting every crown, clear up to that freeze. I had the best tasting tomato and the heaviest setting that I had ever experienced. Usually after 2 or 3 months of picking, the vines get "tired", but that crop was still going strong from planting in May all through October. Needless to say, I am applying it again this 2007 growing season, and I will try to keep a sound record, so I can really tell what my production was. I live in Washington state, 7 miles from the Canada border so I get lots of rain and cold, summer is nice, but short. So I need all the help I can get, I do not use stoves in my greenhouse, and I plant right in the ground just like I would an outside crop.
    Clyde WA State

  • For two summers I have used the Soni-Grow and have had great results. This past summer I planted three tomato plants around the later part of April after the final freeze. My first tomato was nearly the size of a grapefruit. Since I had more tomatoes than we could eat, I gave extra tomatoes away on a regular basis. When the last hard freeze came in later October, I picked 73 green tomatoes. I kept enough to last me through November and the rest I gave to the church kitchen crew who like fried green tomatoes.
    Harold B. Tennessee

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