You'll produce healthier plants, decreasing the need for harsh, chemical rescue, because a healthy plant will be more resistant to insects and diseases.
The sound increases absorption of the nutrient spray through a foliar feeding system that enhances any type of plant or crop, with dramatic increases in growth, yield, as well as early maturity.
Soni-Grow nutrient is an organic blend of nutrients, enzymes, hormones, carbohydrates and stimulants. Among the most important nutrients are nitrogen from
organic sources, potash, phosphorous
and calcium.
The CD included in the Home and Garden Kit can be played by any home CD player. The special, audible, low frequency sound (less than 4000 Hertz), will cause the pores in the leaves to open and so increase absorption of carbon dioxide and Soni-Grow's Nutrient many times over.
The sound increases plant absorption both foliarly and by root uptake, resulting in greater growth and production.
Frequency Tuned:
Soni-Grow Nutrients have been frequency tuned to match the sound produced by the CD in order to produce the greatest possible results.
There are other plant growth stimulants, but the Soni-Grow's performance is a result of its unique use of low frequency sound and frequency tuned nutrients.
Get a Soni-Grow home and garden kit for your back-yard garden, which includes a 16 ounce bottle of the nutrient solution. Later you can buy the nutrient solution by the gallon or in drum quantities for commercial use.
Amazing Results:
Soni-Grow's patented sound and nutrient technology, specially balanced for foliar feeding will enhance the growth of crops, producing measurably increased yields of high-quality, nutritious, healthy fruit, vegetables, nuts and herbs, as well as outstanding flowers and tree growth.
Soni-Grow's effect on plants can be tested right away using a Refractometer to measure the Brix (sugar content of plant sap), before spraying, and again about ½ hour after spraying -- or use a control group that does not get treated with Soni-Grow as a basis for comparison. You'll be amazed at the results, and the results are even more amazing when applied to the seeds!
Use Soni-Grow with any type of plant
Benefits of using the Soni-Grow System:
Stimulates plant growth both foliarly and by root uptake
Increases absorption of carbon dioxide and moisture
Better uniformity of fruit and vegetable size
Dramatically increases flowering and fruiting productivity leading to increased yields
About the Soni-Grow Nutrients
Soni-Grow Nutrients are an organically based, specially balanced blend of nutrients, enzymes, naturally occurring hormones, carbohydrates and stimulants. It's the best possible "balanced food" for your crops.
the ingredients in the blend are: organic nitrogen from compost tea extract, kelp, natural plant sugar extracts, natural growth regulators and stimulators and amino acids.
Because the nutrients contain ingredients such as kelp, just about all trace minerals that are found in the sea will be found in Soni-Grow. However, because they are only in "trace" quantities, they cannot be placed on the label. Plants benefit dramatically from only a small quantity of trace minerals. Our nutrient solution provides plants with the correct balance of these trace minerals.
No other foliar spray will perform as well. Frequency tuning increases the potency of the effect of the nutrients when sprayed in conjunction with playing the unique low frequency sound. The sound played before, during and after spraying, increases the receptivity and absorption rate of the plant, and prepares it to receive Soni-Grow's high potency nutrition.
Because the sound is frequency tuned, Soni-Grow nutrient mix can also be used as a soil fertilizer. Soni-Grow may be used in liquid planters (on or near the seed), transplant solutions, or drip systems. A quart per acre is the suggested rate. Soni-Grow may be mixed with other fertilizers for use in the soil
Using the Soni-Grow System is Simple
1. Dilution Rate and Application Coverage:Soni-Grow
Nutrients come in a concentrate and must be diluted before use. One pint of product is intended to cover one acre. The ideal dilution rate is 25 parts of water to 1 part of concentrate. However, it is important to remember that the dilution rate is directly related to the spray rate of the equipment you are using to apply the product. For instance, the dilution rate will be different for a field sprayer and an aerial sprayer, but only because the spray rate of each is different. Again, the ideal dilution rate is 25 to 1.
The same amount of product will be used per acre, whether you need to dilute the product 20 to 1 or 200 to 1. It is always one pint per acre, using the least amount of water possible.
Don't be deceived by comparing dilution rates. It is the product coverage that is important. When calculating the cost of using Soni-Grow or any other application, always use the product coverage. When you do this, you can see how inexpensive using Soni-Grow is. We calculate the cost to cover one acre is less than $20 per acre, per spray. Not much when you consider the results.
2. Mixing The Nutrient
4. Playing The Sound
NOTE: Never use any other chemicals while playing sound units. If you are due to apply a fungicide and a Soni-Grow spray, first apply Soni-Grow, followed by the chemical spray.
Propagation with Soni-Grow
There are tremendous benefits to be derived from using SONI-GROW during this crucial germination period. They include:The Treatment for Seeds
When mixing Soni-Grow nutrient with water for propagation, first pour the water into an empty container, then add the nutrient mix thoroughly.The Treatment for Cuttings
Herbicide Reduction with Soni-Grow
One of the wonderful side benefits of using the Soni-Grow System is that there will naturally be a decrease in the need for harsh chemical rescue products because plants will be healthier.
On the other side of the equation, using the sound part of the system in conjunction with non-selective herbicides may also increase absorption, and the amount of herbicides needed to be used to kill weeds may be decreased. Weeds stimulated by the sound may increase their absorption capacity many times over.
So, play the sound unit prior to
non-selective herbicide spraying of weeds. Reduced herbicide rates may effectively equal or better the normal kill rate.
Increased Frost Protection
NOTE: Be sure to turn off sound units whenever a fungicide or pesticide is applied
Some Simple Questions and Answers
Q: Will the sound affect my animals or annoy my neighbors?
A: Animals usually like the sound and most people do not consider it offensive, even when standing near the sound. From a distance the sound just becomes a back-ground noise, but if too close, it could annoy neighbors.
Q: Are fertilizers still necessary or is Soni-Grow a substitute?
A: Soni-Grow is not a substitute for ground fertilizer. It is a plant growth stimulator and enhancer with a small nutrient content. We always recommend that the grower continue to fertilize as usual. Good soil testing, replacement of missing nutrients and biological activation are also recommended. After Soni-Grow treatment, you can expect more rapid growth, earlier maturity and yield increases on top of what you would normally expect. You can experiment later with reduced fertilizer inputs, but initially, it's best to continue as you normally would.
Q: Is Soni-Grow a cure all?
A: Soni-Grow can be used to help sick plants heal themselves, but it is not a cure all. If you have a problem, we recommend soil and plant tissue analysis. Soni-Grow will not overcome a major soil deficiency. It may help the plant deal with the deficiency, but ultimately, the deficiency must be corrected.
Q: Can you give a plant too much of a good thing and overdo it?
A. Yes, you can. It is important to follow directions, because you can over stimulate a plant and do harm. Soni-Grow is a very "high energy" product. Plants grow from energy, not fertilizers although fertilizers supply energy and may be incorporated into the plant structure. The Spray Programs are designed to provide the right amount of energy, stimulation and nutrients for the plants and provide excellent results. You can "over spray".
On the other hand, playing the sound unit throughout the season at designated times is a recommended practice. Just try not to stray dramatically from the prescribed programs.
Note: Soni-Grow Nutrients should not be left in direct sunlight, or allowed to freeze.
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